Daniel Cordero D.C.



My mission, as a healer and a healthy lifestyle enthusiast, is to teach people the power of exercise and fitness in a positive, supportive and most importantly, safe environment.   I believe that the general image and face of fitness could use a lift.  All of my treatments and programs are designed around the individual to specifically cater to that person’s goals and lifestyle.  There are no “one-size-fits-all” solutions here.  I want to make sure that YOU thrive.  


I am a local to San Diego and grew up within this very community.  After graduating from Eastlake High School, I continued my education at San Diego State University where I earned a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Health Fitness and Nutrition. I then completed my Doctor of Chiropractic at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 2012. Throughout my education I maintained my knowledge and practical experience in fitness and movement by working as a certified personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach, as well as being a kettlebell instructor.  I am ready to accommodate all of your physical goals, whatever the starting point, whatever the style.

Treatment Philosophy

How we move and what we do with our bodies play an integral role in recovery, maintenance, and reducing the risk of injuries. Similar to most chiropractors, I do believe that the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is the most important system we have.  However, my philosophy goes much farther than the nervous system.  Over the past 12 years, my background in fitness, strength and conditioning has allowed me to learn from world renowned experts and industry leaders in low back conditions, rehabilitation, movement assessment, fitness, stability and mobility.  I harness the power of movement, strength and mobility in my treatments.  3 key elements that require regular maintenance in both healthy and injured individuals.